Data detailed in 'Brief report: Web-based management of adolescent chronic pain: development and usability testing of an online family cognitive behavioral therapy program' have been presented. According to recent research published in the Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 'This study evaluates the usability and feasibility of a Web-based intervention (Web-MAP) to deliver cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to adolescents with chronic pain and their parents. The Web site was evaluated in two stages.'
'In stage one, recovered adolescents and parents (n=5 dyads), who had completed office-based CBT through a pediatric pain management clinic, completed ratings of Web site content, usability, appearance, and theme. In stage two, treatment-seeking adolescents and their parents (n=6 dyads) completed the full-length Web program. Program usage data were obtained to assess interaction with the Web site. Participants rated moderate to strong acceptability of the program. Usage data indicated that participants interacted with the site and used communication features,' wrote A.C. Long and colleagues, Oregon Health & Science University (see also Life Sciences).
The researchers concluded: 'Feedback from usability testing provided important information in the process of designing a feasible Web-based treatment for adolescents with chronic pain for use in a randomized controlled trial.'
Long and colleagues published their study in the Journal of Pediatric Psychology (Brief report: Web-based management of adolescent chronic pain: development and usability testing of an online family cognitive behavioral therapy program. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 2009;34(5):511-6).
For additional information, contact A.C. Long, Oregon Health and Science University, Dept. of Anesthesiology and Peri-Operative Medicine, 3181 SW, Sam Jackson Park Rd., Mailstop UHS-2, Portland OR 97239 USA..
The publisher's contact information for the Journal of Pediatric Psychology is: Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon St., Oxford OX2 6DP, England.
Keywords: United States, Life Sciences, Pediatric Psychology, Pain Management, Chronic Pain, Mental Health, Treatment, Therapy, Behavior.
This article was prepared by Biotech Week editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2009, Biotech Week via